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[cobalt-security] ps -aux sendmail and netstat

I'm hoping someone can decipher this for me.
When I run a netstat I get:
tcp        0     53 www.mydomain:smtp
This was "ESTABLISHED" until I stopped sendmail for a few minutes and
then restarted it.

and when I run a ps -aux I get:
root     27833  0.0  1.0  2584 1308 ?        S    14:15   0:00
sendmail: accepting connections
root     27837  0.0  1.1  2636 1448 ?        S    14:15   0:00
sendmail: q4/f4NA8a102794 mail.elvisisthebomb.com.: user open

That last line WORRIES me. Have I been haqd?
How can I tell what port this guy is running on, or how can I kill his
connection? I can't find him with "top" because I can't get it to give
me remote info.

(wishing this list posted faster - two days is ridiculous)