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Re: [cobalt-security] How to create bogus bannerring for ftp, http and sendmail

> Just wondering if anyone could give me a tip on how to prevent
> software as Nessus to get to see the real version of my servers I
> running (ftp, www, sendmail).
> NESSUS recommends: "We recommend that you configure your web server
> return
> bogus versions, so that it makes the cracker job more difficult"
> The remote web server type is :
> Apache/1.3.6 (Unix) mod_perl/1.21 mod_ssl/2.2.8 OpenSSL/0.9.2b

For Apache, use 'ServerTokens Min' (w/o quotes) at bottom of file
'srm.conf' to get only 'Apache/1.3.6' if you upgrade to 1.3.12 or
up use 'ServerTokens Prod' to get only 'Apache'. Remember, you need
to do this change for admin and web server.
