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Re: [cobalt-security] /tmp/-v ?

> well, it's not a system file so in my opinion it can be erased.
> what I do wonder about is the owner of the file, that is, root.
> it isn't a customer cgi script. unless your httpd runs as root (i
> not!!!!),

When I do a 'top', I get a bunch of httpd running as root.  (!?)
Mostly they run as httpd, but there are a number of them running as
root, on both RaQ4 boxes.
Don't blame me, I didn't do it... *grin*
Guess it's a Cobalt thing.

> so it's either something the GUI did, or you did. or someone who
> has root did :\

I'm thinking maybe this person used the GUI to backup their site, and
this was a temporary dumping station or backup buffer for it?
Either way, I just removed it after reading your letter and nothing
fell over, so I suppose I'm good to go. ;)
