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Re: [cobalt-security] OT: Co location sites?

"Carrie Bartkowiak" <ravencarrie@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I would like to co locate my raQ server, and would like
> > suggestions of places that others have used and liked, if
> > possible.
> Karen,
> There are many suggestions for this in the archives. Try a search for
> colocate, colo, co-lo, co-locate, etc.
> Also take a hop over to www.webhostingtalk.com. They've got a nice
> community going there, with a lot of the actual providers watching and
> helping out when a customer has a problem. Also special deals that
> they only offer there in the forums, etc.
> PS - Ignore the flames and attitude you're going to get for that post.
> If you don't know where to start, you don't know where to start. The
> archives are always a good resource and webhostingtalk most likely has
> *some* discussion on something relevant you might be looking for (just
> use the search feature at the top of the pages).

Carrie, I already suggested she visit that site in my post you replied to
earlier.  Perhaps you didn't read past the first line.  =)  I hope Karen
doesn't think my earlier reply was rude (I made a joke, not a flame and I
pointed her to a much_better tool for gathering the info. she is looking
for), but anyone that asks about colocation suggestions on a Cobalt security
list has either not done her homework, doesn't know how to use a search
engine like google or is just plain lazy and considerate.  I do not know
which is the case for Karen nor does it matter, but in any case the sooner
someone like her realizes what is expected and what is effective, the better
off that person will be.  Mailing lists are a great resource, but there are
many topic specific mailing lists, there are other resources and many of us
appreciate it when it appears effort has been made to find/utilize the right
resources, do some homework first and elaborate on criteria, background and
info. that is relevant to the question posed.  I'm afraid Karen demonstrated
no such effort and was pretty vague, yet I was kind enough to point her in
the right direction and suggest that the website I mentioned was likely a
better all around resource for her needs.

Steve Werby
President, Befriend Internet Services LLC