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RE: [cobalt-security] owned by 187?

>-----Original Message-----
>Subject: [cobalt-security] owned by 187?

>The real bummer here is that I set up a bulk email CGI utility and the
>hacker used it to send messages to everyone saying, "Owned by 187" Anyone
>ever hear of that before?

I would say its from a group calling themselves '187'.
When a hacker manages to hack you, its called beeing 'Owned'.
The hacker is letting you know he 'Owns' you.
That would suggest to me that he hasnt actually done anything malicuous on
the box,
because he's telling you he got r00t.
Whereas other hackers would use what they can to hide themselfs (rootkit

>I'd love to know of a program that will record keystrokes of logged in

there are loads out there, most of them are refered to as Sniffers'.

>My baseline checker reports no more modified files, and I've portscanned
>IPs on the raq, so it looks like the box is clean, which of course

I would run chkrootkit, simular such programs to double-double check.
check your inetd for rootshells, and it should tell you what files have been
tampered with (lastlog).

Hope everything is ok.