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RE: [cobalt-security] [RaQ3] Portsentry's raison d'etre (used to be Port Sentry)

>> And the portsentry alternative to deal with 20+ scans per
>day is....?
>Good host-based IDS, updated patches, a hardened server, and
>a vigilant

No doubt you are right. However, Portsentry's function isn't only to
block IPs. It also alerts a vigilant admin to any number of suspicious
activities that go on. Whereas Portsentry was not designed to be nor
should be the ONLY deterrent against h4cker5, it can certainly be a
valuable time-saver for some of those vigilant admins, who have little
time as it is to read through milions of lines of log files every day.
(Yes, I exaggerate. But that's really what it feels like.)

>> Are you suggesting that running without Portsentry is
>better than running
>with it?

Therefore, I conclude, running Porsentry is better than not running