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Re: [cobalt-security] Reports stoped on 15 may 2001

On Mon, Jun 11, 2001 at 09:47:28AM +0200, Wouter van Reeven wrote:
> Cobalt has released an official fix for the logrotation problems found
> on our machines. Please go to
> http://www.cobalt.com/support/download/raq4.eng.html and install the
> analog Update 1.0.2 package (RaQ4-All-Security-1.0.2-9769.pkg). This
> should solve the problem.

Sorry, but aren't we talking about the RaQ3's here?
And not the RaQ4's ???

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Dennis Koster
Linux Systeem Beheerder
VuurWerk Internet
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