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Re: [cobalt-security] [RaQ3] Portsentry's raison d'etre (used to be Port Sentry)

> >Therefore, I conclude, running Porsentry is better than not running
> >it.

I didn't say nothing at all, I just said not portsentry :)

I have good reasons too:
-I would never block an IP just for portscanning my server.
-I would not allow a machine, no matter how good its ruleset, to make
decisions that would potentially create denial of service conditions for
users of my services. Those decisions should be made by intelligent admins.
Otherwise, a wily hacker with spoofing techniques could block half the
internet from sending me email.
-legitimate users could be denied access to many services on my server
simply by mistyping port numbers in an ftp client, for example
-with dynamic addressing at many ISPs, a hacker could have blocked several
IPs that legitimate users may eventually use

I do use other tools (ie the good host-based IDS tools i referred to), such
as fcheck.
