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RE: [cobalt-security] Come DownUnder and get a RaQ4 StoreSense for US$49 (AU$99)/mth OR own the server outright $149/month - 1 year - incs colocation + Unlimited Data Output

Hi Tony,

Thanks for the reply. Sorry my spam offended you, and anyone else on the list who took offense, it wasn't meant to. Some people were interested so I took a risk.

Since you mentioned StoreSense I though I would clarify that point too. The min licensing fee might be true in the US, but here in Australia there is NO minimum store licensing fee charged by StoreSense Australia - http://www.storesense.com.au You get the Site Store and the Retroactive Demo Store free, and you only pay for additional stores you open up, which presumably you have on sold to customers.

Thank you for your comments I take them in the spirit they were intended.

Kind regards,

Tim Rignold
Dedicated Servers Australia

Hello All,

We wanted to announce this offer to the Cobalt community before we
announce it to the press and other news outlets.  We think we have

Nice spam but I prefer my spam with eggs over easy and a lot of ketchup.
Don't forget to tell everyone about the $500 a month in minimum store
licenses that Kurant will hit them for.
cobalt-security mailing list


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