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[cobalt-security] running named -u named

i changed my init.d/named script so that it runs named as

  named -u named -g named

but it has permission problems:

Jun 15 12:13:48 www named[2884]: unix control "/var/run/ndc" unlink failed: Permission denied
Jun 15 12:13:48 www named[2884]: ctl_server: bind: /var/run/ndc: Address already in use
Jun 15 12:13:48 www named[2884]: couldn't create pid file '/var/run/named.pid'
Jun 15 12:13:48 www named[2884]: bind(dfd=20, [].53): Permission denied
Jun 15 12:13:48 www named[2884]: deleting interface [].53
Jun 15 12:13:48 www named[2884]: bind(dfd=20, [].53): Permission denied
Jun 15 12:13:48 www named[2884]: deleting interface [].53
Jun 15 12:13:48 www named[2884]: bind(dfd=20, [].53): Permission denied
Jun 15 12:13:48 www named[2884]: deleting interface [].53
Jun 15 12:13:48 www named[2884]: bind(dfd=20, [].53): Permission denied
Jun 15 12:13:48 www named[2884]: deleting interface [].53
Jun 15 12:13:48 www named[2884]: not listening on any interfaces
Jun 15 12:13:48 www named[2884]: Forwarding source address is [].1673
Jun 15 12:13:48 www named[2885]: couldn't create pid file '/var/run/named.pid'

i can't really make /var/run/ writable by public?

or do i make a directory /var/run/named/ and chown it named?  
