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[cobalt-security] Illegal division by zero

I have problem with the launch of the diskusage page in the GUI. I Found
this in the log:

Illegal division by zero at
/usr/admserv/cgi-bin/.cobalt/diskUsage/diskUsage.cgi line 204.
[Wed Jun 20 12:27:02 2001] [error] [client] Premature end of
script headers: /usr/admserv/cgi-bin/.cobalt/diskUsage/diskUsage.cgi

I must say that we have not  tryed to change things in cgi or any other
sytem files in the cobalt raq3i, that shuld cause this error.  What can be
the reason for this error and how do we fix it? (is it a hack?)


Kai Schantz