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RE: [cobalt-security] Back up and restore it

As far as I know you can't automatically restore a partial site from a full
server backup, but you can rename the .raq file to a .tar.gz and unzip it
then manually extract the sites data and upload it that way.

However if you've got any live data sites i.e. writing to textfile DBs tar
does have some problems with reading/backup/verifying files that have
changed which can result in corrupted backup files.

-----Original Message-----
From: cobalt-security-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:cobalt-security-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Robbert
Sent: 01 July 2001 20:32
To: cobalt-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [cobalt-security] Back up and restore it
Importance: High


I have done somethinking (yes.... it is possible in the weekends too....

Weekly I create a full server back up configured over the admin interface. I
download them locally and put away.
I'm wandering: I have never tested the procedure. Is this working smoothly ?
How much time does it take to restore from a backup.
Is it possible to restore files from within that back up without having to
restore the entire file ?

Has anybody tested this procedure once ?

Just wandering.


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