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Re: [cobalt-security] poprelay: serious security bug

> For those running the poprelayd POP-before-relay daemon (including the
> "official" Cobalt release), you should note that a serious bug + exploit
> been posted to BugTraq with specific reference to the Cobalt RaQ3 (but
> certainly affect _all_ the RaQ servers running poprelayd):
> t=1&end=2001-07-07&start=2001-07-01&fromthread=0&
> The bug + exploit allows anyone to relay mail through the server. We can
> only hope that Cobalt comes out with a remedy for this problem *very*
> quickly.
> Regards,
> Jonathan


I don't like what I'm reading here, hope cobalt can fix this very soon.
However in the mean time is there a way to temp shut down pop-before-smtp ??

Cause when I place a check in the box to allow poprelay  and save the check
is gone, so not sure wheter it is running or not. Trial and error is not
secure enough I think.

- Robbert

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