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Re: [cobalt-security] Reverse Delegation Patch

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, shimi wrote:

> My RaQ3 works fine after installing the latest patch, though I didn't mess
> with the DNS part that it should have fixed, so it doesn't say anything.

I've not messed with it either...and thanks for the heads up.

> With regards to cobalt-announce - it's not the first time. Maybe I'll
> write a script that will automatically mail the lists when the download
> pages change :-)

Last time it happened Jared was out sick...

There are SO MANY people at Sun that have responsibilities(or as they
explain it, ownership) for the lists that it's a mind boggle wondering
if there is someone that overlooks all of it.

There's even one call RAQNEWS....have never seen anything in it...

Oh well, back to my GUI prison.


baltimoremd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx             Thom LaCosta K3HRN Webmaster