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Re: [cobalt-security] New poprelayd rpm available

On 10 Jul 2001 10:25:58 +0200, David Garcia Watkins wrote:
> Hi, this is the output on a patched Raq3.
> rpm -Uvh poprelayd-2.0-4.noarch.rpm
> poprelayd
> ##################################################
> cp: /etc/mail/sendmail.cf: No such file or directory
> Can't open /etc/mail/sendmail.cf.nopopauth: No such file or directory
> Searching for sendmail.cf, i found it in /etc, and not /etc/mail.

Fixed.  A new RPM is available at:

md5sum 2f7d622462dacea9511d7b8f1456c730

Jeff Lovell
Sun Microsystems Inc.