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OT: Re: [cobalt-security] Copied from securiteam.com: Apache '?'Configuration Bug (List content)

Hi shimi,

> IIS/6.01b Server at www.securiteam.com Port 80
> but that's an apache banner style, no?

Yeah, looked like that to me. Too bad they didn't fix the 403 just yet...
I have the original post if anyone's interested.

> i mean microsoft changed all the error pages to messages from which you
> can't know if it's a dns error, a time out, or a reset by peer...

Great, "security through obscurity", just like their code. ;-)
BTW - I have absolutely no IIS experience and don't intend to get it any
time soon.

> not to mention not recognized errors becoming all "error 500 - internal
> server error"

Gotta love those!

> b.t.w. the OS of that box is Linux. since when does IIS run on linux? ;-)

Hmm, I didn't check that. If I *would* have a copy of IIS laying around, who
knows what wine could do with it... ;-)

Well, thanks. At least my confidence in Securiteam has been somewhat
restored... Nico