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[cobalt-security] The Code-Red Worm is attacking... GOD it's attacking.

People. Put close attention on this. I got 280 machines connecting to my
box in one hour. This doesn't seem to stop, nor I think it ever will.

Stupid Microsoft and their lame bugs.

You can keep track of how many attempts to infect your machine had already
been done at any given time, using this command:

cat /var/log/httpd/access | grep .ida | wc -l

just hope you're not between the first numbers that the copies of the worm
worldwide are trying to infect.

consider bandwidth consumption on your networks/providers going up *fast*

  Best regards,
     shimi [mailto:shimi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]


Some quotes:

   "Outlook is a massive flaming horrid blatant security violation, that
    also happens to be a mail reader."                                   

   "There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and BSD.     
    We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
          -- Jeremy S. Anderson

 Windows: "Where do you want to go today?"
   Linux: "Where do you want to go tomorrow?"
     BSD: "Are you guys coming or what?"