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Re: [cobalt-security] IPChains Tool

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001 11:43:56 -0700, Edward Cruz mumbled something 
>>Some weeks ago someone on the list (Carrie?) mentioned a tool for
>>configuring IPChains.  I would love to hear some more about using
>>this tool,
>>in particular with PortSentry...

It's called PMFirewall and it's at:

Very easy to install; you ask it some questions and it writes a 
ruleset for you. You have to have the IPChains scripts already 
installed on your machine (don't have to have them configured, 
though). Make sure you read everything that it spouts out at you, and 
pay attention when answering the questions.

As for using it with PortSentry - that's really a moot point. If 
you've got IPChains running, then PortSentry is just a backup alarm 
and reaction system. Someone will have to get through the IPChains 
first in order to set off PortSentry. PortSentry can then do a number 
of things, like tossing the offender's IP into the routing table, 
handing it over to IPChains to block, or running an external command 
(Zeffie showed me a wonderful idea to have the external command run a 
whois on the offending IP and mail it to me).

They seem to me to be a good system to run together. IPChains up 
front and PortSentry as a backup measure, with LogCheck to show you 
everything that's happening.

My next project is Snort... *grin*

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