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[cobalt-security] Confused about Samba update, which has been released.

Just visited again the cobalt raq3 updatesite and saw another patch

See tekst which is copied and pasted from the site:

Security: Samba Update 4.0.1
This package updates Samba to 2.0.9 in order to repair a locally exploitable
security hole in previous versions. The security hole allows a user with a
shell account to corrupt local devices (such as raw disks).

MD5 Check Sum: aaff7e7862f263a02046585c8ed4cf16c

But I'm not sure what it is and wheter we should install it. Cause as far as
I remember the update has never been released in an earlier version. What is
samba used for ? As far as google answers it is some sort of add on to a raq
server, however then i don't understand why Cobalt is releasing patches for
this sofware.

Can some please shead some light on this for me ?

BTW Carrie thanks for tip on the dying of SSH2 after the reboot when
installing the new patch. I have added the lines which you stated and the
server went up smoothly with a running ssh2. Thanks.
