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Re: [cobalt-security] Port 80 and Roadrunner - SMTP relaying shenanigans

> FYI, my DSL provider (Verizon) is
> implementing a plan that will require emails sent through their SMTP
> to have a Verizon email address in the From header to get delivered.  They
> claim it's to prevent spam, though they could check my
> IP before sending if that's the case and most spammers wouldn't care if
> was in the From header anyway.

This is one of my latest pet peeves. Can you imagine how much time was spent
writing the scripts just to make this possible? And all of that could have
been avoided by merely upgrading sendmail to use SMTP Auth. What I don't
understand is why SMTP Auth isn't totally widespread yet. Almost every major
email cleint out there supports this protocol... why bother with stupid
shenanigans like this?

>On a SAGE mailing list there was recently a
> discussion about ISPs doing just that or blocking the ability to access
> 25 all together (even worse) and some concluded that those affected should
> just take their business somewhere else.

We had a verizon customer who ran into this problem. Now they buy DSL from
us :)
