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Re: [cobalt-security] ipchains adding to rc.local

On Wed, 25 Jul 2001, R. Hamburg wrote:
> So let's say I name the file servercommands
> the in rc.local I call them by entering
> ./etc/servercommands
  ^^ not sure if works with the dot. should work. i do without. 

> Then IN the file servercommands I add the following lines:
> /sbin/ipchains -I input -s -j DENY -l
> /sbin/ipchains -I input -s -j DENY -l
> and so on.....
> Am I correct doing it this way ?
> - Robbert

once the file exists, you need to once do: 

chmod 700 /etc/servercommands

and then every time u have command to add, you just edit that file with
pico and add a line...


- shimi.