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Re: [cobalt-security] ipchains adding to rc.local

> That's all you need to drop into the
> rc.firewall.blocked file. No need to enter the other
> stuff (/sbin/ipchains -I input -s -j
> DENY -l) as that's what the ghouls script does for
> you.. Just start the ghoul script as
> ./what-ever-you-name-it from the /etc/rc.d/ directory.
> The ghoul script will protect your machine in both
> directions (in/out) where the method you mentioned
> only works for inward bound traffic.
> Good luck!
> Scott

Hi Scott,

I will try this one for sure !
But ofcourse I need to ask ONE stupid question at least !! <GRIN>

The script you pasted in your mail should be installed in /etc/rc.d
is there a perference for a name ?? Or can I just call the file whatever I
want ?

And when I understand correctly the file rc.firewall.blocked should be an
empty file. Chmodded to ?? 700 ??

thanks for your patience !

- Robbert