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[cobalt-security] Log info Question and Script for Code Red Logging

Hi All;

With this Code Red trying to trash the net I am running a small
cgi script that gives me an output to my browser.

On my Qube 2 I get the overall log of attacks which is what I want...
on the Qube 3, Raq3's and Raq 4's I only get the daily log
of attacks... which is ok... I can have a second copy of the
script for overall attacks...

But my question is which or where is the logs for
the Qube 3, Raq 3 and Raq 4 that I can use ?...

And on my Qube 2 where is the daily log?...

I did include my script for useage by others...
(This is for my Qube 2) just set the attribs to 755
Call it  red.cgi or codered.cgi... It works for me!

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<HTML>\n";
print "<TITLE>Code Red Results</TITLE>\n";
print "<HEAD>\n";
print "</HEAD>\n";
print "<body>\n";
print qq¦<font face="verdana" size="3">\n¦;
print "<pre>\n";
print "\nAnalysing WebServer Logs ...\n\n";
print "<br><p>\n";

# Change this line to path to the right log file

$hits = `cat  /home/log/httpd/home-access | grep "default.ida\?NNNN"`;

@hits = split(/\n/,$hits);
foreach $hit (@hits) {
($ip) = $hit =~ /(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/;
($time) = $hit =~ /\[([^\]]*)\]/;
print "Time of Attack $time          IP Address of Attacker $ip\n"; };
print "<br>\n";
print "\nFound ",($#hits+1)," probes from 'Code Red' worms !!\n\n";
print "</pre>\n";
print "</body>\n";
print "</html>\n";

Franklin S. Werren, webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxx   www.bagpipes.net
Modem Madness Ringmaster at www.madbbs.com/webring/
ICQ 8556386 or fswerren46 on AOL's IM or fswerren46 for MSN Messenger

Frank's Radio, P.O. Box 990, Sherman NY 14781-0990
For the best ISP in Chautauqua County NY and North West Pa
go to www.madbbs.com    They treat you right.