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RE: [cobalt-security] Hacking my Raq4i???

On Mon, 06 Aug 2001 15:14:47 -0400, njd 76 mumbled something like:
>>its actually code red II. Notice that the attmepts are with XXXX
>>instead of

I've been watching the log off and on today, and I'm getting both XX 
and NN attempts - which means there are *still* CR1 viruses out there 
running rampant and of course - M$ admins who don't know the meaning 
of patches (or else they live under a rock).
I don't get this. With all of the hype surrounding this worm, how 
could you NOT patch your machine if you're running NT or 2000?
Do these people just assume that it will never get their machine? 
Stupid stuff. *sigh grumble </end rant>*
If you get to thinkin? you?re a person of some influence, try 
orderin? somebody else?s dog around.