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[cobalt-security] Re: Unix worm to kill codered.

There is a program that does it already, it's called winnuke! Codered.a and
Codered.b do not save anything to disk so all you need to do is reboot the
JOKE: Maybe as well as sending the email you should winnuke the class B to
make sure that it is not sent anywhere else? In no time we could rid the
world of codered. I make out there must be at least 200 people subscribed to
the list, maybe we could winnuke the whole internet and remove the virus?
That would be around 300 class B's each


There once was a *nix worm that came into your machine, looked around
to see if you were infected with another worm - and if you were, it
innoculated you and then went on its merry little way. (I think it
was called the Happy worm or something?)
Having the *nix community devise this type of 'worm' to seek and
destroy the CR worm on affected M$ boxes would be too damn funny.

Anyone here have that type of knowledge? Let's see, the counter-worm
could force the box to connect to the M$ site, download and install
the patch. I don't know how to write a worm, but I do know that many
worms exist that auto-download/install stuff.
It probably could be done... (wish I had the knowledge)

I have only heard of one Unix virus, and that used an overflow in Sun's
finger deamon. I have heard of Happy99 and that was definitely not nice, are
you sure of the above?
