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[cobalt-security] BIND running as root

Dear all

Following Michael J. Cannon advice, reading loads of stuff I don't really
understand.. I think that my server is running BIND as root, which I believe
makes it vulnerable.

[admin /etc]$ ps -ef | grep named
root       376     1  0 Aug09 ?        00:00:00 named
admin    22535 21250  0 10:50 pts/0    00:00:00 grep named

I understand I now have to make a user and group for it to run under and
that the user must have a disabled shell and a home directory of wherever
the DNS directory is. My question is how to I do the this?

I then assign BIND to the new user and group like this?

/usr/sbin/named -u dns_user -g dns_group

I am right?


"If only we new what we where getting into we never would have done it"