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SV: [cobalt-security] SSH Tunneling - Cheap client to use?

All you need to do is to generate a self signed SSL certificate for your
primary site. Once that's done and once the admin server detects the
of this particular SSL certificate, it'll use it to switch the entire admin
interface over to HTTPS.

I did that on a Raq3i and a Raq4r after 2 days I had to remove it because so
many customer complaint. Netscape could not handle it at all. Netscape
advised every visitors to not use the different websites because there where
something wrong with the certificate. If you still wanted to go ahead
Netscape forced the visitor thru 7 steps of confirming that they wanted to
see these WebPages!! MIE did not find anything wrong and just popup 1 time
saying that there was a new certificate and if user wanted to accept and
store it.

But what finally forced me to uninstall was that on virtual sites that used
subdirs Netscape renamed all WebPages in subdirectories to SHTML and this
caused the pages not to be correctly displayed. I posted for help on the
developerlist and cobalt support nobody could help because it was a Netscape
problem they said.Best regards

Kai R Schantz
euroweb as

With best regards,

Michael Stauber
cobalt-security mailing list