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Re: [cobalt-security] Telent 0.17 Update

Hi Carrie,

> I think people who have turned off telnet need to do this, in case
> SSH goes down or something.

There are one or two precautionary measures you can take in case you really 
want to disable Telnet permanently and want an additional security measure to 
be able to restart SSH in case that one buggs out.

a) Install Webmin (webmin.com). It's a browser based GUI, can be set up to 
use SSL and even runs if Apache is down. It comes with it's own small 
webserver. It allows full control over all services on the machine and even 
has an Applet which is similar to the Windows Explorer with which you can 
view, edit and delete files and folders on disk. It also offers a command 
line from which you can issue commands like "/etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd start" ... 
just in case.

b) If SSH ever goes down and you have no other means to login, then grab the 
SSH-PKG from EMEA (any SSH-PKG will do) and reinstall it through the Cobalt 
admin interface. It'll complain that SSH is already installed and will ask 
you if you really want to. Once you confirm, then the "new" package will be 
installed and right thereafter SSH runs again.


With best regards,

Michael Stauber