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[cobalt-security] RaQ3 Hacked

I am disguising my identity with a brand new hotmail account to prevent further attacks while straightening this out.

Lemme start by saying I am pretty upset with Sun right now. The blackhat used a bind exploit to gain shell access and then used the vixie crontab exploit to get root, then they installed t0rn. Greeaaattt!

And yes I had the vixie-cron 4.02 patch applied.

How dang long is it going to take Sun/Cobalt to release a package to update bind. I am seriously considering dumping this dang RaQ in favor of a box I can keep up to date without breaking the friggin GUI.

I had all patches applied. Portsentry. Tripwire. All the essentials. Except the latest bind of course.

Anyone want to offer any pointers to securing a RaQ3,
Anonymous out of necessity.

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