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Re: [cobalt-security] Was: SSH Tunneling - Cheap client to use? Now GUI SSL

On Wednesday, August 22, 2001, at 09:33 AM, Michael Stauber wrote:

Am I wrong in thinking that all this time that I have been running the
cobalt gui via port 81 that it is not secure?

Correct. *If* you haven't set up an SSL certificate for your primary website, then all the time the admin interface has been unencrypted. You can easily
check this. Login to your admin interface and if the URL doesn't show an
"https://"; in front, but just "http://";, then you're running unsecured.


Thank you for the detailed user friendly response! I now understand what's going on between the gui and http.

The problem I am having now is figuring out how to set up an ssl certificate for the gui on port 81. I recently installed webmin from http://cobalt-aid.sourceforge.net/ and it includes openssl which sets up port 10000 as a secure port for webmin. I've read the man pages for openssl and have been unable to determine how to set up port 81 to use openssl.

Is there an easy set of instructions that I can use to set up port 81 to use openssl? Can I somehow use the same openssl program that was installed with webmin to do this?

I really appreciate all the help and knowledge I have received from this list! I am also starting to get really paranoid about the internet! Seems like security is becoming a real threat to all of us! It's hard to get any work done while we're having to look over our shoulders...
