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Re: [cobalt-security] problem with RaQ4-All-Security-1.0.1-10602 update

If you see the ASP code it means that the ASP engine is not running!

Did you remove all commented lines from httpd.conf and srm.conf?

I've applied the PATCH released by CHILI on Friday night and it worked fine...

Important steps where:

- Install the apache PATCH
- Remove commented lines
- modify httpd.conf and srm.conf as specified
- Reboot the server

I attach here the whole process as sent by chili:

(I hope it helps...)



*********** START CHILI INSTRUCTIONS*****************************
1. Make the following changes below after you have installed the emergency
patch pkg
2. Restart the RaQ.

login: cobalt
password: D@ntL@se


md5 checksum:

Install this via the standard Cobalt way.

If you have difficulties reaching your Cobalt Control Panel, type in the
following URL in your


Next, login to your machine.

Edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and uncomment (or readd if you deleted
them) the following lines:

LoadModule unique_id_module modules/mod_unique_id.so
LoadModule setenvif_module modules/mod_setenvif.so
LoadModule casp2_module modules/mod_casp2.so <--- ADD THIS LINE HERE


# Extra Modules
#AddModule mod_php.c
#AddModule mod_php3.c
#AddModule mod_perl.c
#AddModule mod_casp2.c <--- ADD THIS LINE HERE

(this is redundant since it's commented out but it's to put it back to the
original syntax)

Edit /etc/httpd/conf/srm.conf and uncomment (or readd if you deleted them)
the following lines:

# To use CGI scripts:
Action cgi-wrapper /cgiwrapDir/cgiwrap
Action cgi-wrapper-debug /cgiwrapDir/cgiwrapd

# Chil!Soft ASP handlers <---- ADD THIS LINE HERE
AddHandler chiliasp .asp <---- ADD THIS LINE HERE 
AddHandler chiliasp .asa <---- ADD THIS LINE HERE 

#AddHandler cgi-wrapper .cgi
#AddHandler cgi-wrapper .pl


BrowserMatch "RealPlayer 4\.0" force-response-1.0
BrowserMatch "Java/1\.0" force-response-1.0
BrowserMatch "JDK/1\.0" force-response-1.0

Alias /cobalt-images/   /usr/admserv/html/.cobalt/images/

# Chili!Soft casp2 <---- ADD THIS LINE HERE
CaspLib /home/chiliasp/asp-apache-3000 <---- ADD THIS LINE HERE  

*********** END CHILI INSTRUCTIONS*****************************

On Mon, 27 Aug 2001 15:09:51 -0400 mark wrote:

> I got the patch from chili to solve the problem with chiliasp and
> apache.  
> Both the ASP server and Apache run, but chiliasp doesn't seem to be
> working 
> properly.  Apache doesn't seem to be making any calls to chiliasp.  For 
> example everytime I try to access one of my asp sites, all it does is 
> dump 
> out a lot of asp code in the browser and the asp monitor doesn't
> acknowledge 
> any incoming asp requests.  I've followed their fix verbatim, HELP!
> thanks,
> Mark
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