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RE: [cobalt-security] Lame Server messages

> Sorry to bother everyone about this again, but it's getting 
> worse and I didn't get a response the last post.  The situation is this.  
> For a period of time each day, most recently for 75 minutes, my RaQ3 is 
> asked to process bogus DNS requests for which it is not authoritative resulting in Lame
> Server, Unexpected response, NS Query etc. error messages.  

See http://cobalt-knowledge.sun.com/cgi-bin/kbase.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_refno=010713-000002&p_created=995042833 for details.


> The big question is this? Are there security implications 
> here.


> Is someone trying to bring down named for some reason?

No, this is just one of problems you face by sharing the Internet with other people.

Nick Drage - Packet Pooh-Bah - Security Architecture - Demon Internet