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Re: [cobalt-security] IPchains - How To

Hi James,

> Has anyone written a howto installation of Ipchains on the raq - I remember
> CarrieB produced soemthing similar on the cobalt-users list but never
> mentioned Ipchains.

Here is a repost of it:

IPChains Install:
# rpm -hUv ipchains-1.3.9-5.i386.rpm

IPChains is now installed. The startup script is in /etc/rc.d/init.d
as ipchains or 
# service ipchains start

Don't do this until you've tested your script a few times to see how
it's working and you have the helper scripts installed.

Get the helper scripts:
# wget
# gunzip ipchains-scripts.tar.gz
# tar -xvf ipchains-scripts.tar
# make clean (my raq grumbled at me with this)
# make (some notes, more grumbling)
# make install

Still working on this, will post a more detailed IPChains how-to once
I get done.

This page might help: http://plug.skylab.org/199907/msg00138.html


With best regards,

Michael Stauber