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RE: [cobalt-security] Lame Server Messages & Webalizer 2.01

Chae wrote:

> We also see every day a sporadic burst of lame server messages in the logs
> every day without fail at the same time - 1000's of them...I have compared
> this with other log files including the mail logs and none of them show
> anything specific - nothing to tie in with this daily event. We also have
> Webalizer 2.01 on the machine...could be the problem - don't know

*Anything* which causes your DNS server to generate thousands of queries
will end up logging lots of errors if they exist.

Sorry to be list cop for a minute, but can we chop these threads? It's not a
security issue and is better discussed privately, if at all. Lame servers
are a problem, just not a security problem.

Graeme (wearing pointy hat)