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Re: [cobalt-security] FTP Probing/scanning - Question

On Thu, 30 Aug 2001 15:48:39 +1200, Render-Vue mumbled something 
>>(pD9034B56.dip.t-dialin.net[]) - USER anonymous (Login
>>Can't find user.

As far as I know, there isn't any way to stop this other than turning 
off FTP all together (you could set up secure ftp through your SSH 
tunnel but I can't find any definitive instructions on doing that).
I get tons of these every day. It's hackers looking for somewhere to 
stash their warez, so they can then give out the addy and use up 
*your* bandwidth and space instead of their own. Grr.
Best thing I suppose is just not to allow AnonFTP - it's really not 
needed anyway unless your client is a software programmer or 
something; but even then he could offer it as an http download or set 
up a true ftp account and give out the username/password for it only 
after someone had registered at his site. And change the user/pass 
often.  ;)

If there's a way to stop the scans, I'd love to know about it as 
You can lead a person to knowledge, But you can?t make them think.