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RE: [cobalt-security] After checking logs found this...


Thank you for the prompt reply - I can sleep easy now (hee hee)

 this is the kernel telling you that someone sent a malformed packet to
your host.  Piece by piece it means: PROTO=6 means that it is a TCP packet
(numbers 6 or 0 == TCP).  The L=20 means that the IP header is 20 bytes
long.  The S=0x00 means (I think) TCP sequence number 0.  I'm not sure what
I means, but F=0x6000 means that the TCP flags are (in binary)
0110000000000000.  That translates to TCP SYN and RST being set.

The good news is that the Cobalt/Linux kernel does not appear to be
vulnerable to this attack.  I hope this helps.

-Mark Carey
Network Security Engineer,
Sun MicroSystems.

Regards from Auckland
