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Re: [cobalt-security] Hacker Goes On Defacement Spree In Australia

Just thought I would let you all know that I found the hacker/s that defaced one of my virtual sites on a RaQ3. I still haven't figured out all that could have been done, but I did find the hacker got through using a cgi. I did a grep on the web.log file for "dwarf" and then found that bbs_forum.cgi was being used to execute perl scripts. Here is a partial line which contains a perl command:


The following web.log line shows some info on the attacker: - - [27/Jul/2001:20:33:09 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 16891 "http://defaced.alldas.de/defaced.php?attacker=dwarf&p=1"; "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0b; Windows NT 5.0)"

I found that dwarf had somehow written into /tmp a sub directory named ". " and hid all sorts of files. Now, I still don't know what to do to prevent this from happening in the future. Maybe someone else has experienced this sort of hack and can give some advice?

see the following url for a newsbyte on the subject:


"... according to Alldas, all sites were hosted on the Microsoft Web server platform. The Alldas archive is at http://defaced.alldas.de/ "

Note that even though my raq is not a microsoft web server, the raq was still hacked. I tried going to this site, and it seems to no longer be online. I think there were some peeved folks!

Thanks for any insights you may give!

bbs_forum.cgi has a vulnerability.  Read this for more information:


download a new, secure version from here:



Glen Scott

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