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Re: [cobalt-security] about cd .. command can change home directory up to root server


> Not really. The big benefits of it is that only user root can start and stop
> processes. Also, all configuration data would be hidden for normal users.

I presume when you say processes you mean daemon processes ?  Are you
refering to the fact that the process can't read a config file from /etc -
if so, most deamons can be built to use config files from an alternative
location (eg. '/home/user/my_apps/sshd/').

> On a SuSE Linux fresh out of the box this is the case for instance and I
> would wonder if a regular RedHat wouldn't do it the same way, or at least in
> a similar fashion.

I'm not convinced.  Simple functions like getpwent() rely on having access
to /etc/passwd, and this shows up in everyday life:

ls -ld /tmp
drwxrwxrwx    8 root     root         4.0k Sep 10 01:04 /tmp
(chmod og-rx /etc/passwd /etc/group) as root
ls -ld /tmp
drwxrwxrwx    8 0        0            4.0k Sep 10 01:04 /tmp

Spot the difference.  As /etc/passwd is not readable to the world, ls
can't look up the user and group names.  It's a simple example, but I hope
you get the gist.

On one of my servers, /etc has system wide config files for all sorts of
things ... xemacs, vim, ssh, minicom, screen and opera to mention just a
few.  There's the slocate database in there too.  These are all files that
I want everyone on the system to be able to see.

On the whole, there's not much in /etc that I object to people with
accounts on the machine viewing.  As /etc/shadow is already set to owner
and group read only, the most important file is protected and a few others
have more rigorous permissions

I can't comment on the SuSE setup, as I removed the last installation a
couple of years ago, but I've used various flavours of Linux along with
Solaris, HP-UX and Tru64 and as I recall, they all had permissions such
that standard users had read permission in /etc

