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[cobalt-security] SSL Given up



Whilst trying to get SSL working with Webmin I managed to break the admin interface.  It seemed to break just after I upgraded Perl, but, I don't really use it anymore so its not much of a problem.

The errors in the admserv logs where all related to various Cobalt perl modules.  

Is there anywhere I can download these modules so I can re-install them ?

I have searched CPAN, cobalt etc with no luck.

This was several weeks ago, but since I got webmin working securely it wasn't a problem...


Yesterday afternoon we had a power cut and since then one of our Raq4i's is behaving strangely.  It has two websites on the same IP, one on port 80 the other on 443.

The secure site will not work.  There are several errors in the apache logs :

[crit] (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx port 443

[error] mod_ssl: Cannot open SSLSessionCache DBM file `/var/log/httpd/ssl_scache' for writing (store) (System error follows)
[error] System: No such file or directory (errno: 2)

[error] [client xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] (13)Permission denied: cannot read directory for multi: /home/sites/site2/web/

(the last one when browsing to the affected site)

I have noticed in the httpd.conf file a section which re-writes itself and adds the right mod_ssl parameters (which also seems to use a Cobalt perl module -arse!).

Is there anyway I can get around this without restoring the whole raq ?

Thanks in advance.


Ian Gibbons
Fish.Net Ltd                  Providing Internet Solutions
http://www.fishnet.co.uk      e-mail IanGibbons@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tel +44 (0)1457 819600        Fax +44 (0)1457 819602