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[cobalt-security] [RaQ3] Easy way to check log files

Hi Yah,

Religiously every day - twice a day we use webmin and check the following


we've taken over the box from another host and total virgins to Linux/Cobalt
RaQ's - though slowing loosing our virginity :>

I've seen mention lots of software add-ons for logs checking, IPChains
etcetera. What I want to know is; is there a program - idiot proof set-up
that will check the following logs automatically and any others I should be
checking on a regular basis and email me when something out of the ordinary
crops up. Checking manually doesn't bother me too much - I've learnt a lot
just from this exercise alone - but there must be something that can make my
life a bit more easier and productive :>

What do the hardened users use and recommend?

Many thanks in advance and regards from Auckland
