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SV: [cobalt-security] NIMBA VIRUS

> the Nimba virus is infecting my customers.
> they are using windows 95 with outlook express.
> i have 1 customer that has over 400 .eml files on his desktop.
> i *thought* because we were running *nix it wouldnt affect anything.

For info (and removal-method) check out:


it affects both windows servers AND clients

Med venlig hilsen/Regards
ClockWork Reklamebureau A/S

Anders Flyndersøe

Email: anders@xxxxxxxxxxxx
WWW: www.clockwork.dk
ICQ: 7804090

Østre Stationsvej 43
Postbox 137
5100  Odense C

Tlf :        +45 66 19 19 01
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