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RE: [cobalt-security] [RaQ3] Major Panic On Now :<

<much snippage of entire thread>

Hmm... misconfigured portsentry. Ain't it great?

Simple solution here:

killall -9 sentry

Deinstall it and use something else. I know, I know, that's not
constructive... but I've said it time and time again on this very list:
portsentry, in its' default state, is a PITA. If you *must* install it then
take a long time to digest the documentation. Have a good google about it.
Read other people's problem reports.

Alternatively of course, make sure all your services are up-to-date and then
just take no notice of people trying to scan your machine. After all, if
it's as secure as you can make then no scan is gonna reveal anything, is it?

Graeme Fowler
System Administrator
Host Europe Group PLC