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SV: [cobalt-security] Nimba scanner shell script


I have innstalled your 2 php pages on 2 diffrent raqs (raq4r and raq3i)
Here is the result.


This server has received 0 scans for "/script/root.exe" from 0 different IP
The server has been attacked 47 times by the Code Red Virus from 0 different
IP Addresses!!!!


This server has received 0 scans for "/script/root.exe" from 453 different
IP addresses!
The server has been attacked 102 times by the Code Red Virus from 102
different IP Addresses!!!!

Somthing with the relationship between numeres does not seem correct. 0
times from 453ip and 47 times from 0Ip?

What is wrong here? an what kind of files are not present on the two raq for
this result to show numbers like this..

I am trying to find out what did happend 2 days ago on the raq3 becuse it
had a big error log file with a size of 2000 mb (2Gb)! a few houres later it
was normal size again..? So this could maybe help me sorting this mystery
(and then i can sleep again not afraid of that our serveres is hacked and

Kai R Schantz
Euroweb AS

I have converted your shell script into a PHP web page.

For those that are interested, just place the script on your Cobalt server.

<!-------- Beginning of code ---->

<title>PERL Worm Scanner by [kjv]</title>


<B><H3>Code Red, Nimda and Other Worm Scanner </H3></B>

By <a href="mailto:webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxx";>Kham Vue</a><br>

<a href="http://www.sengtroni.com";>www.sengtroni.com</a><br>

Original SHELL script by Glenn Scott glen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


This server has received <B>

<? system("cat /var/log/httpd/access | grep
'/scripts/root.exe?/c+dir'|wc -l") or die ("Could not open web logs!");?>

</B> scans for <i>"/script/root.exe"</i> from <b>

<?system("cat /var/log/httpd/access | grep '/scripts/root.exe?/c+dir' |
cut -d '' -f2 | sort | uniq | wc -l");?>

</b> different IP addresses! <BR>

The server has been attacked <B>

<?system("cat /var/log/httpd/access | grep '/default.ida'|wc -l")?>

</b> times by the Code Red Virus from <b>

<?system("cat /var/log/httpd/access | grep '/default.ida' | cut -d '' -f2 |
sort | uniq | wc -l");?>

</b> different IP Addresses!!!!


This script comes "as is". Any modifications, please update the author via


<!----- End of Code -->

Kham Vue
Internet Admin
The City of Wadsworth
WADSNET.COM High Speed Internet Service
" If you continue to think the way you've always thought,
then you will continue to get what you always got!"

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