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Re: [cobalt-security] Attempted inside job. A report.

Hi Kevin,

> What IDS?

It's a set of freely available tools which have either been modified to meet 
our specific needs, or which have been extended a little bit here and there. 
I also threw in some shell scripts to automate stuff or to make more sense of 
the generated output.

It basically consists of the following tools:

- KSTAT (Tool useful to find an attacker in your system by a direct analysis 
of the kernel through /dev/kmem and bypassing the hiding techniques of the
intruder (kernel static recompilation/use of LKMs). Kstat can find the 
syscalls which were modified by a LKM, list the linked LKMs, query one or all 
the network interfaces of the system, list all the processes and much more)

- Demarc 1.05 with Snort 1.8 and customized ruleset base on one from 

- Fcheck (similar to Tripwire, but less cumbersome to install and to analyze)

- Chkrootkit, automated through a cronjob and shellscript which will run it 
once per day and email a report to admin if there is anything noteworthy.

- Portsentry with Ipchains, together with a cronjob and shellscript to reset 
the blocks after a certain while.

- Logcheck (with modified configuration to report just the really essential 

The compiler warning message which caught your curiosity is an ingenious 
addition from a friend who modified the compiler sources and helped me to 
build a new one for the RaQ. So it's the compiler itself which will write to 
syslog who called him. From there it's Logcheck who mails the report.

Another (much, much easier) option would be to change the permissions on the 
compiler executable so that only user "root" can run it in first place. Or to 
set the groups wisely so that only one selected group of trusted users can 
access the compiler. This has to be done outside the Cobalt specs and of 
course without the GUI, but hey, everything useful has to be done that way. 

Another option which I've also seen on a customers machine once was this: The 
guy had zipped up the kernel header files and put them into hiding somewhere 
deep in the directory tree under an obfuscated filename. That effectively 
disabled the compiler as well - for everyone. He could have done away with 
the gcc executable, but then someone could have reinstalled it from an RPM. 
But without proper kernel header files you'll have a very hard time getting 
the darn thing to compile anything more complicated than a "Hello world!" 
script. Unless you have access to a similar RaQ and move the header files 
over to the other machine.

> I'd like to see an IDS that watches the command line, but not of the packet
> sniffer variety. Something that logs keystrokes (kindof like a bash_history
> typof thing) that will look for certain commands, like SU, or ftp, etc.

Properly configured Logcheck can do some aspects of that, like reporting any 
SU calls or the monitoring of ftp, but for the rest of that you have to look 
elsewhere. A keylogger should be the least problem. I've already seen a few 
for Linux, but I think that would be of little value and too much of spying. 

One word of warning: As useful as Logcheck can be, once the system has been 
penetrated it is (like anything else) of little value. That was the reason 
for me to throw this package together, as I didn't want to put all eggs into 
one basket. 


With best regards,

Michael Stauber