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[cobalt-security] Re: NAT Question


Thanks for the information.  I agree with your post, but I'm not enough of a Notes expert to feel comfortable "hardening" the Domino server.

I'm thinking that VPN might be my best answer.

Anyone have a good walk-thru or "HOWTO" for installing FreeS/WAN?  I'm getting into the Docs today, so if I'll come across one, please ignore.



I do something similar, except with a router/NAT.  Should be the same 
for you.  Outside world would hit the Qube using a domain name/IP and 
use port redirection to point to the Domino server.

externaldomainname points-to internalipaddress:port
www.mydomain.com points-to 192.168.0.xxx:1352 (Notes port)
(www.mydomain.com would be the address of your Qube)

or port 80, 25, 110 etc if using Domino for those services.

The key is that you must spend some time hardening the Domino server 
for exposure to the outside world.  When diligently configured, Domino 
is a formidable, frontline application server.  The problem is that 
you're most likely running it on an NT server. ;-(