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[cobalt-security] Man Hole and files to fix with a message

Redhat just came out with an update for man.

Security Advisory - RHSA-2001:072-14

Users could get root access.

Now it would be nice to go to the Cobalt ftp area and get the current source
rpm and rebuild it....  But there seems to be a problem creating a well
structured resource.  This time I was able to find the "old current" for the
Raq4 in the Qube3 directory.  Now I know that when asked Cobalt will "post"
them.... which is very nice...  However it would be much nicer if they where
already there... and in the right places....

It would also be very nice to get the Soruce rpms for the software on
http://pkg.nl.cobalt.com .  Without them the packages are "without much
value".  I think it's safe to say they have done alot of good work over
there but it would be nice if people could make sure that the ssh they have
installed is secure....    I'm not saying it isn't already secure but
without the Source rpms (and some work) we have no idea whats in there and
if they are secure as we might like.  and the same goes for the rest of the
packages on there.

The latest version of man requires an update of mktemp as well...
I have created some rpms if anyone would like them....
The Source rpms are there too..

I'm going to bed and if there are no major problems with these maybe I will
make a package... or maybe cobalt will by the time I get up... :)  ???

"You don't need to know what it is....  Just eat it"