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[cobalt-security] RE: After SSH install

> >> I've installed OpenSSH 2.9p2 on my RAQ4. What now? Do I disable telnet
> >> and ftp access in the control panel for all sites?
 Enter the GUI. Click on Control Panel (this will list the services for the 
 entire raq ) >  Uncheck FTP to disable FTP for the entire Raq > Uncheck Telnet 
 to disable Telnet for the entire site > Click Save Changes..
 # Point of note: To use SSH you will still have to enable shell access for 
 every user that is to use SSH. eg. Click on Manage for the virtual site that 
 is to have SSH enabled. Click in Site Settings > Check Enable Shell Accounts > 
 Click on user management > click modify user > Check Shell Accounts.
 >>Cover telnet? What about FTP?
 Putty covers SSH, not sure about FTP as I don't use it.. If you want to use 
 other SSH programs you could do worse than try www.vandyke.com . They have an 
 SSH client to replace telnet called SecureCRT and for FTP SecureFX both very 
 good and configurable..