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RE: [cobalt-security] Is this coincidence or what - FTP Scans

At 10:46 PM 10/16/2001, you wrote:

>(pD9526130.dip.t-dialin.net[]) - USER anonymous
>(Login failed): Can't find user. Oct 16 04:40:59 ns
>proftpd[3308]: xxxxxxxxxx
>(pD9526130.dip.t-dialin.net[]) - USER anonymous
>(Login failed): Can't find user. Oct 16 04:40:59 ns
>proftpd[3305]: xxxxxxxxxx

This is the same IP and Network that scans my raq4r on a daily basis.
Perhaps they like scanning and attempting ftp login on Aussies and

I have not had any malicious damage from them (that I can see)

Regards (from Australia)
Tim Lawson

The two most common I see are dip.t-dialin.net and abo.wanadoo.fr
I get some of the same ips and some different.  But them over and over.