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Re: [cobalt-security] Conclusion of "Is this coincidence or what - FTP Scans"

Hi Render-Vue,

> To carry on what other people have been saying the scans from
> dip.t-dialin.net and abo.wanadoo.fr happen to our servers on a daily basis

dip.t-dialin.net are DSL users from T-Online, the online branch of Deutsche 
Telekom. That's what I use myself.

Complaining to T-Online is futile. They have more than seven million users 
and have cut down hard on support, so unless you have a smoking gun in hand 
and a corpse to proove they won't raise an eyebrow.

Similar things apply for all the big ISPs like home.net, wanadoo.fr,  
mindspring, <choke> AOL and others.

> I know they haven't breached the server but as someone mentioned it does
> get annoying seeing the same network and IP's coming up...what do you do if
> the ISP can't take matters like this seriously :<

Of course. You see, I have a temporary and a permanent banlist on my server, 
containing all the IP addresses and subnets which I block. If there's a 
repeat offender in there, then I have no problem with banning the entire 
class A or B net of one of the big fishes and use ipchains to deny them 
anything except access to port 80, 53 and 25 - IF they're lucky. 

There is one thing I will most likely do about FTP: I'll shut it down 
completly and use a modified version of the POPrelayD-script to reopen the 
service. So if a customer wants to use FTP, then he has to check his email 
first, which will unlock FTP for his IP address for a short while. Shouldn't 
be that complicated to implement.

Another option which I contemplated about is replacing FTP with "scp", the 
secury copy which comes with SSH. Fully encrypted transfer and there is a 
freeware windows client (WinSCP) available which looks and feels a lot like 
WS_FTP. But I still have a couple of customers which don't speak English and 
which most likely will be unable to handle software which has an English 


Mit freundlichen Grüßen / With best regards

Michael Stauber

 Stauber Multimedia Design ____ Phone:  +49-6081-946240
 Eppsteiner Weg 9 ___  D-61267 Neu-Anspach ___ Germany